Sunday, May 27, 2012

Breeding Better Livestock

The theme for the past few days has been breeding better livestock, and the Australian producers we've met have been achieving this goal.

I've been on blog writing overload so I think I'll just let the pictures with some captions do the talking for me about the past day or so of tours.

Enjoy, and good on ya, mate!

Very fine Merino sheep wool from Trigger Vale.

The bottle baby at Trigger Vale.

A type of sheep race way (or alley way) in Australia.

The Rock.

This emu is strutting it's stuff for us.

The group after our dinner at the emu farm.

Darn good looking bull at Sprys Shorthorns.

Judging cattle never ends for Dr. Schaake. This yearling bull sold for $46,000 in Australia.
The group posing for a photo with the folks at Sprys Shorthorns.

Best steaks we've had thus far. Thanks for dinner Sprys Shorthorns.
Temple Running ain't easy, but somebody has got to do it.

Funny realty sign we saw on the drive to Albury.

Multi-species grazing at the commercial operation we visited: cattle, sheep and wild rabbits.

The group talking with our host about sheep and cattle production.

And the sun sets on another great day in Australia.

Thanks for taking a look. Until we meet again, happy trails!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Mishelle. I figured I would post some photos so you could use some for the ASI Department newsletter.

  2. Definitely, I've been grabbing some of the photos from the blogs so they can put them in this week's and next week's newsletter. What kind of camera are you using? Your photos are really good!

    1. A Canon Rebel T3i. I've got a couple different lens too.
