Wednesday, May 23, 2012

And We're Off

The K-State Animal Science Study Tour has safely landed in Melbourne, Australia!

At first things looked a little hairy when the majority of our travelers made it to the Kansas City International Airport about 25 minutes behind schedule (I'll have to use that as ammunition if I'm late getting up in the morning). Then the staff at the American Airlines counter was running slow on processing our paper work, leaving us wondering if we'd make it to our connecting flight to Dallas. We also had 8 members of our group who were assigned "TBA" seats, so they had to straighten out their seating kerfuffle before departing.

Finally, we were all able to board our flight to DFW and take a look at the majestic "fly over states" to the south of Kansas City. While on our first flight we had a few first time air travelers. Both Jordan Dye and Pake Ebert had never been on an airplane, so the experience was something new for them. We were even able to get the flight attendants to announce that it was Pake's first flight and he was rewarded with his very own set of wings.

Pake got his own set of wings.
Upon arrival in Dallas the group had to load up on a shuttle to take us to the next terminal and luckily we were able to keep Dr. Schaake from stepping off at the wrong one. Two hours later at Gate D17 we were able to board our westbound flight to the City of Angels.

For our on flight entertainment the passengers had the option to watch The Vow. I'm not much on chick-flicks, but since I had nothing better to do I decided to watch and bide my time until reaching LAX.

The Office followed as our entertainment and Dwight Schrute was on his A-game. In classic Dwight fashion he had some choice words for bloggers.

"Bloggers are gross! Bloggers are obese! Bloggers have halitosis!"

Well, I've got news for you Mr. Schrute, our team of bloggers for the K-State Australia trip doesn't take too kindly to such remarks. However, we do appreciate that you are a part of the agriculture industry with Schrute Farms. Keep the beets coming, Dwight.

Watching the plane touchdown on my headset TV.
In Los Angeles the group chowed down on the various types of airport fare before our final flight to Melbourne.

The flight with Qantas Airlines was full of amenities like meals, drinks, a personal smart TV for each seat and many other items. But it wasn't a travel that was full of much sleep for some passengers, me being one. Oh well, I'll just have to make do and hope I catch up on some sleep during our Australian adventure.

Now we're in Australia and we barely even got to see Tuesday. Curse you International Dateline! (shaking fist at the sky)

Until we meet again, happy trails!


  1. Great blog Wyatt! Love the song selection :)

  2. Thanks! Keep on reading on I'll keep on blogging.
