Saturday, June 2, 2012

Picture This: Australia

Well I'm back from Australia, posting blogs was more frustrating than I had expected. Thanks to the lack of free WiFi in our hotels and slow access in hot-spots like McDonald's, I was not able to post in a timely fashion. Sometimes I was forced to post several days behind when I would have, while also posting multiple blogs in a day. This was not how I imagined writing the blog, but I guess its the way it goes.  

I would like to thank all of you who followed along with my great adventure and here are some of the lasting images from the last two days Down Under in Cairns.

Having some fun in the sand at Green Island.
Representing K-State with a Wildcat paw.
K-S-U Wildcats! K-S-U Wildcats! K-S-U Wildcats!
Willie the Wildcat would be jealous of our skills. 
Where we spent half of our last day.
Our crash course in scuba diving.
The island we spent part of the day on was also a National Park.
Beautiful forest canopy on Green Island.
This boat was at least 100 meters back from the ocean and surrounded by trees.
Leaving Green Island and heading to the Great Barrier Reef. 
I started the day on the Reef by snorkeling.
A fish outside the observation deck.
The camera man got up close and personal with this big fish.
Some of the K-Staters hanging out on the observation deck.
Wildcating under the sea. EMAW!
Nice view on the way back to Cairns.
The Aboriginal center we visited on during our 1st day in Cairns.
The Aborigines doing a traditional dance.
Playing the didgeridoo.  
Throwing a boomerang. 
Some fine dining directly from the Great Barrier Reef.
The Coral Trout I ordered at Tha Fish.
I hope they didn't pull my fish out of this tank.
We helped celebrate Hailey Clemons' birthday our second to last evening in Australia.

Until next time, happy trails!


  1. Wyatt, I submitted your K-S-U Pose to the K-Stater, I hope it makes it in there!

  2. Thanks! That would be awesome if it made it in the K-Stater!
