Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The Law Won & Melbourne Fun

I fought the law and the law won, well I guess you can say I fought the law. Apparently, the Australian Customs and Border Patrol does not appreciate foreigners bringing in certain items to their country. My nearly finable offense was bringing some beef jerky to Australia.

Getting a little McDonald's while in Australia.
It is understandable to not allow fruits, vegetables, wood products, or even live animals because of the threat of disease. For this same reason I was asked to throw out my beef jerky that I had brought with me to snack on during my travels. I complied with the customs officer who processed me at the airport, but I did question why I could not bring beef jerky.

He told me it was because of the threat of foot and mouth disease. I then asked again to make sure because foot and mouth has not occurred in the United States since 1929.

The officer then told me it was because of a problem with the US beef herd that had happened a month ago. I then corrected the officer by stating that it was a case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in California that did not even enter the food supply.

Also, during the questioning process I was asked if I had been on a farm in the past 30 days. I stated that I had been on a ranch and that I fully understood why they were taking the action that was required.

The great looking views on the outskirts of Melbourne.
Finally, I was on my way out of customs and making strides towards my tour group. Once reunited with my fellow K-Staters we were off to the Healsville Sanctuary, a zoo and refuge for Australian wildlife. 

Before reaching our destination we did have to make a pit stop at an American icon: McDonald's. Many members of the group dined on some breakfast food and beverages before our bus drive to the wildlife park.

After the stop at McDonald's we drove through the city of Melbourne and several suburbs before we reached the countryside. A much needed break from the hustle and bustle of airports and metropolitan areas. 

Engaging in a staring contest with a bird. I think I was the victor.
We saw many interesting sites like a strawberry and cabbage growing operations, a lot of vineyards, cattle and sheep in co-grazing systems, and the beauty of the Australian countryside.

Upon reaching the Healsville Sanctuary we broke into two groups where we were guided by several insightful people at the park.

Highlights of the park stop included seeing native wildlife to Australia (bilbies and kangaroos), taking a ton of pictures, feeding and holding parrots, and playing didgeridoos.

No more charger parties for my power strip.
We did finally have to leave all the excitement at the wildlife park so we could check into our hotel rooms. Then some more excitement occurred for my roommate, Grant Gardiner, and I, when the electricity in our room suddenly went out.

Between a combination of my converter and power strip not liking the new power outlets in Australia, we were without power for a half hour. I thought I might have ruined the wall sockets, but luckily the manager at the hotel just needed to flip a breaker and we were back in business.

Needless to say my power strip will likely not be involved in anymore "charger parties" at airports or other fun stops along the way, because I'm pretty sure it was toasted.

I got a little gelato for desert at La Camera.
To end the night the entire group went out to dinner at a nearby Italian restaurant called La Camera. Which I thought was quite coincidental because we had all been taking a lot of pictures at the Healsville Sanctuary and there are only more to come.

Well until next time, happy trails!


  1. Sounds like you are having a terrific time! Keep up the posts! Love ya--Aunt Becki

  2. Wyatt, your blog is great!! I hope you are having a good time, tell my sister, Shelby, hello and that I miss her!

  3. Wyatt, I have never seen so many things plugged into one outlet on a study tour! You are probably lucky you didn't short out the whole hotel! LOL!
