Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Every Man A Wildcat in Australia: or EMAW in AUS


This is a blog I've created for my travels with Kansas State University to Australia.

Here is a map that shows the cities we'll be visiting
My trip is with the Animal Science Department so it will be a mix of agriculture focused stops with the more typical touristy visits sprinkled in too. I will be spending over a week and a half in the eastern portion of the Land Down Under visiting cattle and sheep stations on the way from Melbourne to Cairns and everywhere in between.

Some other highlights include these stops: Healesville Wildlife Sanctuary, Tjapukai Cultural Center, Carlton & United Brewery and snorkeling at the Great Barrier Reef, along with a number of other interesting visits.

During my journey I'll try to keep y'all up to date with stories, plenty of pictures and maybe even some video of our travels. But until then here's a classic video from Men at Work on life in Australia.

Now I'm going to have to get a vegemite sandwich when I'm there. 

Enjoy and until next time, happy trails!

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